Sunday, 11 October 2009

Code Generation: Boost in productivity

Everybody in the IT enviroments knows that when developing an application, eventually will be necessary to access some sort of database engine. All that work ends up being the same, develop the data access layer, implement the bussiness objects that store the information, write the store procedures that encapsule the database logic and this doesn't  change much from one project another. 
The amount of time spent doing this is huge, and I started to think that this could be done faster, so I start seaching in the Internet for a possible solution and came across an open source solution that suits my needs and I'd like to share with others.

The software is called "My Generation" a very suitable name.You can find it at ( .

With this tool you can use a number of predefined templates to generate code. I personally like the Dooads Template, and this template I generate the the store procedures, the bussiness entities, and the business data acess layer, base on existing SQL tables. Currently Dooads is available for Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Firebird, Access, PostgreSQL, VistaDB, SQLite and MySQL. You can find more information here

There are much more template you can find and try at the website.

You can download it hereMy Generation Download
HomePageMy Generation Homepage

Introduction Video

With this my productivity increased a lot giving time to develop other components much more interesting to me  and giving me a better overall performance within my company.

Good generations to you all

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